Quebec Aid asked to finance the reserve during this record syrup season

Le président des PPAQ, Luc Goulet, se réjouit de la récolte record, mais se tourne vers le gouvernement pour aider à payer d’avance aux producteurs les barils de sirop qui seront mis dans la réserve stratégique. Crédit: Martin Ménard/TCN

DRUMMONDVILLE – The Maple Syrup Producers of Quebec (PPAQ) revealed the extent of their 2024 maple syrup production in a theatrical way during the general meeting, with music and a crescendo of numbers on the giant screen, which, in an explosion of suspense, ultimately resulting in the unprecedented sum of £239 million. But, beyond the … Read more

These are the three most evocative cycle paths in Italy

These are the three most evocative cycle paths in Italy

It has reached its ninth editionItalian Cycle Tourism Oscar which is assigned every year to the green cycle routes of the Regions that promote holidays on two wheels with services aimed at slow tourism. The proclamation is held today June 1st in Luccaprotagonist with Viareggio of the awards event in the Tuscany Region, winner of … Read more

4 of the most beautiful villages in France less than 2 hours from Paris to visit


Do you want to escape and make unforgettable discoveries? Here are 4 of the most beautiful villages in France located less than 2 hours from Paris, where history, heritage and the art of living are found. Yèvre-le-Châtel: a journey through time Embark on a journey through time by visiting Yèvre-le-Châtel, one of the most fascinating … Read more

Discover property prices in Aix-en-Provence from 1 June 2024

Discover property prices in Aix-en-Provence from 1 June 2024

Property prices are falling in Aix-en-Provence. They now reach 6,135 euros per m², according to BFM Immo’s exclusive Bien’Ici barometer. The real estate sector in Aix is ​​growing and the average price reached 6,135 euros per m² in June (prices indicated in the announcements before negotiations), according to data from our partner Bien’Ici*. Over a … Read more

The owner must rent decent accommodation, except in cases of force majeure

Les locataires invoquaient une indécence du logement pour justifier ces impayés de loyer.

The owner must provide the tenant with decent accommodation, according to article 6 of the law of 6 July 1989. Decent housing meets 5 criteria: minimum surface area, absence of risks for the safety and health of the tenant, absence of harmful animals and parasites, minimum energy performance, the supply of certain equipment, according to … Read more