Quebec Aid asked to finance the reserve during this record syrup season

Le président des PPAQ, Luc Goulet, se réjouit de la récolte record, mais se tourne vers le gouvernement pour aider à payer d’avance aux producteurs les barils de sirop qui seront mis dans la réserve stratégique. Crédit: Martin Ménard/TCN

DRUMMONDVILLE – The Maple Syrup Producers of Quebec (PPAQ) revealed the extent of their 2024 maple syrup production in a theatrical way during the general meeting, with music and a crescendo of numbers on the giant screen, which, in an explosion of suspense, ultimately resulting in the unprecedented sum of £239 million. But, beyond the … Read more

Farmers block the border between France and Spain to make themselves heard before the European elections

Farmers block the border between France and Spain to make themselves heard before the European elections

In Biriatou, south-west France, on 3 June 2024. GAİZKA IROZ / AFP French and Spanish farmers have been blocking border crossings along the Pyrenees since mid-morning on Monday 3 June ” weigh “ on the European elections and calling for, among other things, cheaper energy. Around 10am, dozens of Spanish tractors joined the few French … Read more

The “clean kitchen”, a lever for the development of Africa

The "clean kitchen", a lever for the development of Africa

Aact simultaneously in favor of the climate, health and the improvement of women’s living conditions. Few reasons unite such ambitions, and what’s more with concrete possibilities of success. This is precisely the case of “clean cooking”, i.e. those techniques that allow you to do without wood to cook food. Currently, 90% of Africans depend on … Read more

We need to educate about organic farming to encourage vocations

“We need to educate about organic farming to encourage vocations”

Lhe orientation law for agricultural sovereignty and generational turnover in agriculture arrives at the National Assembly. He is proud to train all future workers in agroecological and climate transitions. And for this reason it establishes that agricultural education must adapt its training to occupational needs and skills for transitions. But not a word about organic … Read more

In the agricultural law, environmental orientation is reduced to the bare minimum

In the agricultural law, environmental orientation is reduced to the bare minimum

A herd of Limousin cows in the Moselle pasture, in April 2023. YANN AVRIL / BIOSPHOTO The ecological transition of French agriculture is one of the declared objectives of the bill “Guidelines for agricultural sovereignty and generational renewal”, examined by the National Assembly from Tuesday 14 May. This text, intended to structure agriculture in the … Read more

beyond the symbol, an uncertain legal scope

beyond the symbol, an uncertain legal scope

COLCANOPA Emmanuel Macron made the promise at the opening of the International Agricultural Exhibition on February 24, in response to the protest movement of professionals: agriculture will be recognized as a “great general interest of the French nation”in order to “protect with firmness and solidity”. A principle added when rewriting the bill “on sovereignty in … Read more

The European Union has adopted a neocolonial model of tuna fishing, overexploiting resources and enslaving local economies

“The European Union has adopted a neocolonial model of tuna fishing, overexploiting resources and enslaving local economies”

“Out of sight, out of mind”, this seems to be the motto of European diplomacy to perpetuate an industrial model that devastates marine ecosystems and threatens the food sovereignty of the coastal states of the Indian Ocean. At the center of the themes: tropical tuna. To support this key sector of European industrial fishing, the … Read more