The new president of the Interdepartmental Chamber of Notaries, Hubert Léthinier, will strengthen real estate data to better understand the real estate market in Toulouse and neighboring departments.
Sales promises are now taken into account
The slight drop in rates only produces “bumps that don’t last”, regrets Me Letinier. Result: studios are financially devastated while real estate sales account for more than half of their business. To better anticipate the restart of the market, the Chamber will make the declaration of preliminary contracts (sales promises) mandatory in the databases populated by notary firms from June 2024. “This allows us to gain 3 months of visibility until the final act” indicates the new president. Information that will then be shared with elected officials, public services and real estate professionals (developers, real estate agents, etc.).
A new mission for notaries
From the beginning of his new mandate, Hubert Létnier will also have to lead a unique project: recovery the apostille service that the Ministry of Justice has decided to transfer to notaries. From 1AND January 2025, public officials and no longer the courts of appeal will issue citizens the certificates of authenticity of the documents (diplomas, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) that they will have to show in their procedures abroad. “We estimate that the volume to be apostilled is between 15,000 and 25,000 documents per year,” says Hubert Létinier. The procedure will be largely digitalised but a physical counter will also be opened to welcome the public.
Free consultations on June 1st in Toulouse
Finally, this summer, the new president launches initial training for all House notaries on artificial intelligence. “This is a new revolution for which we must prepare and train ourselves as we did for the electronic signature of documents,” he warns.
And meet the general public on the 1st in ToulouseAND June for the Notarial Days of free consultations (Allées Jules Guesdes), which are always a great success. These days are also organized in Foix, Montauban and Albi.