Seth, an 18 year old from Mulhouse, will climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival

Cannes and its festival. The great mass of cinema begins this Tuesday, its 77th edition. Stars, red carpet, films, Palme d’Or…a fascinating party in which Seth will participate. An 18 year old from Mulhouse will start presenting his short film about friendship!

“Younès and Wesley are two childhood friends I met in college but they had accidents and their stories greatly inspired me.” Seth, an 18 year old from Mulhouse, makes a short film entitled Seth and his friends.
In 1 minute and 30 minutes he talks about his ties with Younès and Wesley. Damaged life paths “to say that life isn’t always rosy” explains the very young director. “And seeing them in front of me, always with my head held high, helped me look for work and deal with academic results.” And to conclude “They were an inspiration I couldn’t do without today.”

Cannes and its festival

When the phone rang to inform Seth that he was going to the Cannes Film Festival, the student didn’t realize: “I was leaving class, I didn’t understand well and then, while I was taking the train, I was jumping everywhere.” Seth leaves for Cannes on May 22nd climbing the steps on the 23rd in the presence of Jonathan Cohen, President of the Motor jury! 2024.

Speaking of the engine!

More and more participants for this 8th edition of the Motor competition! The 2024 vintage brought together 508 young people from all over France, all directors of a 1.5 minute film about an inspiring role model. Sincere, moving, funny, artistic, committed and exciting films.

Created in 2015 by Caroline Sénéclauze, member of the CSA/Arcom Diversity Observatory, the Engine! association he is convinced that young people’s trust in themselves, in others and in society promotes equal opportunities.
Motor! is an association of general interest that aims to arouse in young people aged 14 to 22 the desire to progress and grow, encouraging them to meet inspiring models and encouraging them to plan for the future.

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