Evaluation of energy saving certificates, instructions for use

Designed to help reduce our energy consumption and finance the ecological transition on a national scale, the Energy Saving Certificates (EEC) system is issued by energy suppliers (gas, fuel oil, electricity, etc.). It requires them to actively promote energy efficiency to their customers and offer assistance in financing their energy renovation project. In addition to MaPrimeRénov’, they can benefit from the EEC bonus if their work has been previously valued. Follow the guide to fully understand the EEC system and the steps to obtain their assessment.

Created in 2006 after the PAPA law came into force, the system of energy saving certificates (EEC) aims to promote the modernization of French real estate. It requires all suppliers of electricity, gas or LPG, domestic fuel oil, heating and cooling to promote energy efficiency among their customers. But that’s not all… These suppliers are also required to offer financial assistance to individuals, communities and businesses for the energy retrofitting of buildings. Let’s take a closer look at how this system works.

Energy Saving Certificates Under the Microscope

In France, according to the “polluter pays” policy, energy suppliers, called “obligatori”, are required to make energy savings. For this purpose, they have several solutions available:

  • Optimize the energy consumption of your premises and systems;
  • Encourage your customers to renovate their properties through awareness-raising activities and bonuses to finance energy-saving actions, such as thermal insulation work;
  • Purchase TEE directly from the so-called “non-obligated” entitled subjects (equipment suppliers or installers) or entrust your obligations to delegated companies.

TEE are issued in exchange for different types of actions, the main one being the implementation of interventions to improve energy performance. Obligated entities can also receive CAE if they finance training, innovation or information programs in this area. Their goal is to reach the number of CEE established by the State based on their sales, set for three-year periods. The obligated entity that does not collect a sufficient number of CAE at the end of the three-year period is required to pay penalties.

The calculation of the EEC amount depends on several criteria:

  • The type of work performed;
  • The geographical area of ​​the property in question;
  • The characteristics of the accommodation (apartment or house, surface area, etc.);
  • The choice of the operator (obligated subject or delegate) that valorises the TEE generated by the artisans.

Deposit habitat managers (trustees, real estate agents, property managers, etc.), CEEs are a real godsend. In fact, they facilitate the financing of interventions aimed at improving the energy performance of their buildings. Co-owners thus see their energy bills decrease, as well as all co-ownership charges, all without having to invest in heavy work. For example, a simple insulation of the attic can prevent up to 30% of heat loss, avoiding waste and unnecessary expenses.

How to promote CEE to get the bonus?

To receive the bonus linked to the EEC it is not necessary to have already completed the project. In fact, energy saving interventions must be evaluated a priori. Here are the steps necessary to enhance these TEE:

  1. Carrying out preliminary studies to ensure that the project meets the conditions for eligibility for the EEC bonus (efficiency of the heating system, thermal resistance of the insulation, etc.);
  2. Craftsmen (installers, equipment suppliers, etc.) cannot promote CAEs in their own name but must enter into a partnership with an obligated or delegated entity; Only after this agreement can the construction site begin;
  3. The transmission by the craftsman of supporting documents (invoices, sworn certification, etc.) to the obliged or delegated subject in order to complete the practice;
  4. Validation of the complete dossier by the national centre;
  5. The release by the obligated party or its delegate of the EEC amount earmarked for the project. The EEC assessment is then paid within 30 days.

To make sure you get all the help you deserve and understand all the subtleties of the CEE system, we recommend you seek help from an expert like Hellio.

Recently, this energy efficiency expert assisted a trustee in the overall renovation of an apartment building in Fontenay-sous-Bois. The latter obtained more aid than expected to finance the work thanks to Hellio’s support, including a EEC bonus of €185,000. If we add that to MaPrimeRénov’, the subsidies amount to more than 58% of the total cost of the work, estimated at €570,000. As for the amount paid per accommodation, it went from €12,600 to €5,200 thanks to the various aids. The building’s energy consumption was divided by 2.6 and greenhouse gas emissions by 6.5. A win-win for all parties!

This content was produced in collaboration with Hellio. The BFM IMMO editorial team did not participate in the production of this content.

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