Depending on the travel class, the air passenger experience is different. So, to benefit from maximum comfort, nothing is better than a flight first class.
To satisfy its customers who wish to travel in the most comfortable way possible, Air Algeria It therefore offers business class and first class flights.
But what is the difference with simple economy class travel? Here’s what a traveler who booked with the national airline in first class reveals through a video published on his TikTok channel.
Air Algérie in first class: “ It’s expensive but worth it »
« Traveling with Air Algérie in first class is certainly expensive, but it’s worth it », Esteems this passenger who films all the comforts and advantages that the national company had made available to him.
For starters, reveal that when traveling first class with Air Algérie, you are entitled to not one, but two windows, which allow you to enjoy the view twice as much.
So, in addition to a freely adjustable seat, the passenger also has the right to more options, in particular a footrest, a reading lamp, a telephone, a fan.
But what matters most according to this traveler is the meal tray that Air Algérie offers to its first class passengers.
The company served him green beans and mushrooms with meat as a main course, a well-dressed salad, cheeses, but also a slice of shortcrust pastry, a banana and an orange as well as a bottle of water and ice cubes.
“I don’t see the difference with the economy class”
In the comments, most internet users are not at all convinced of the advantages of traveling first class with Air Algérie. “ Apart from a more spacious seat, I don’t see the difference with economy class », we read in a first comment.
« Dare you call it first class! First go and see what Emirates offers, then we’ll talk about it again “, exclaims another internet user. A final one ensures that “ if this is first class, in economy class you will find passengers standing and a conductor counting their small change ».
We remind you that purchasing a first class ticket offers passengers advantages not only on board the plane, but also at the airport where they can take advantage of a VIP lounge and a Première check-in desk, we read on the Air Algérie website .