Popular music in the Constitution, why and what it is for

Antonello Venditti wants pop music in the Constitution. The singer-songwriter guest today, May 7, on Mic for the presentation of his tour celebrating 40 years of ‘Night before exams’ launches the proposal. “There is a long way to go for contemporary popular music to enter the Constitution. It is the only art not recognized by the government. We need this, to be recognized, to give dignity to De André and Geolier, because Without this music this country would not have been as it is, despite everything being united”.

“This dream – says Venditti sitting next to the Undersecretary of Culture Gianmarco Mazzi – should become reality: I would prefer to be remembered for what will become a state law rather than for the songs I wrote. Because the songs are there, but the laws still have to be written.”

From the Roman singer-songwriter then comes a small jab at the recent David di Donatello: “When you see the David di Donatello you feel bad because you see that music has nothing of a social nature, that it concerns the state of our life – Venditti states – But not for me, for many who will not have ‘a fantastic story that is life’ if the support of culture is missing”.

The opening of the government

The proposal is accepted by Undersecretary Mazzi: “I really liked the idea of ​​a constitutional garrisonI said ‘you’ll see, Antonello is ahead of his time’. So called the lawyer Bardo who gave a legal outline to this idea and I thought it was right to follow up on this proposal and support it”.

A bill is ready

The legislative process to bring pop music into the Constitution is “complicated but up to a certain point – explains Venditti to the press – Because once the principle is recognised, as it was for sport, the same direction takes us straight there. We have drawn up a bill brought forward by the lawyer Luca Pardo – he continues – Studying the principles that will lead us to include so-called pop music in the Constitution. Then all that’s needed is for the political forces to approve it.”

The pressure of talent and the protection of talent

And when asked if he has tried to talk about it with other colleagues, the artist replies dryly: “Impossible. Unfortunately, the Italy of talent and multinationals does not allow you to have an in-depth dialogue. Many don’t even know what we’re talking about, they don’t feel this problem. By now the conditioning is profound.” Venditti cites the Sangiovanni case, which established a temporary stop due to too much mental pressure: “Just think about talents like Sangiovannithese people are gambling with their lives. Unfortunately, they already have the idea that they are expiring, that they will be overtaken by the new, it’s a intellectual, moral and spiritual precariousness that leads to suicide and anguish”.

His project could therefore also be useful in this sense: “There are kids who have been forced to change, born one way and find themselves another. Why there is no constitutional network that defends these kids and their sanitythat leads them to see music in another way, that is, as an occasion. Today the occasion is Sanremo and a talent show. Can it ever be?”. For this “we also need funding. Today concert tickets cost 100 euros. You create a huge disparity, there are classes, this is unacceptable.” Because it is not true at all that, as someone said, “you can’t eat with music – says Venditti – Popular contemporary music feeds all other worlds. Cinema has all the honors and we have all the burdens,” she attacks.

Venditti and the world

Then answering the students’ questions, Antonello Venditti also talks about current events. “It’s not a good look to sing about a world full . My generation was interested in what was happening to others too, but here it seems to me that we talk about or peace depending on whether it affects our interests or not. We had an internationalist, globalist idea of ​​the world.” Antonello Venditti says it while answering students’ questions this morning at the presentation of the tour celebrating 40 years of ‘Night before exams’ at Mic.

“Also because – says Venditti – all states are terroristsit is a failure of all international institutions, starting with the UN, and we are unable to bring order. It will be difficult to summarize but it takes good will, therefore whoever makes peace first wins. Because he marks a principle: he starts shaking hands instead of punching and you see that things change,” says the singer-songwriter.

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