“We all needed her”: Michelle Herbaut’s declaration for Eliane

I can’t accept his leaving. So sudden, so brutal… It’s impossible to get… I will no longer see her in her place in my office where she worked with me 2 days a week for several years.

She will no longer tell me, as she often does when I present her with a problem: “Don’t worry, it’s nonsense… I’ll get through it! Don’t worry…”

So many memories with Eliane… All these years working together at SNAV IDF, preparing annual conventions, doing crazy scouting, always finding that little thing that made the convention a success…

We didn’t need to speak, a look was enough and we understood each other and we knew that such a proposal or such an action was impossible, and we continued together to look for that little thing that was missing….

Lots of laughter and humour, many moments of complicity and friendship, never dried up, which will remain our secret garden between the two of us.

Our Eliane, as her agency colleagues often called her. She was their colleague, their confidant and today they mourn her.

I don’t know anyone who could have said: I don’t like this woman!

Eliane was bright, positive, full of life, with empathy for all of us, always listening, always curious. The world of tourism had no secrets for her, she knew practically everyone.

Eliane was simply an indispensable person, we all needed her, her friendship, and then in 24 hours nothing. Too young, too sad, too unfair… she still had so many plans, and then she ended!

Thank you Eliane for everything you have given us, thank you for being there for us.

With all my sadness and my sincere friendship.

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