Centorizzonti 2024, events from 23 June to 7 September

This year’s summer promises to be full of events throughout our country, events not to be missed and which aim to make us discover truly irresistible places, traditions, history and nature. One of these is called “Centorizzonti 2024“, and is characterized by being a real artistic and cultural journey into corners of our country that take your breath away.

Centorizzonti 2024, “phantasmagoric” edition

“Fantasmagoric” is the adjective used to describe this year’s edition of Centorizzonti: it will cross and involve 10 municipalities and 10 landscapes at the foot of the Monte Grappamajestic massif located in the Venetian pre-Alps, encouraging interaction between places, work and public. But that’s not all, because Centorizzonti 2024 also includes 18 extraordinary events in total, including 9 shows – of which 2 are national premieres – of theatre, dance, singing and music, as well as films, guided tours, workshops and taste experiences.

Everything will begin on June 23rd San Zeno degli Ezzelini, in the province of Treviso, and will continue until 7 September under the organization of Echidna, with the artistic direction of Cristina Palumbo, the support of the Veneto Region, the patronage of the Province of Treviso, of the IPA Terre di Asolo and Monte Grappa and of the MAB UNESCO Monte Grappa Biosphere Reserve, the collaboration of Banca Terre Venete, the Maffioli Archive and the Zago Foundation.

The program was born from the co-planning of 10 Municipalities among those that make up the Centorizzonti cultural network with the Municipality of Asolosupported by the municipalities of Altivole, Borso del Grappa, Caerano San Marco, Castelfranco Veneto, Fonte, Loria, Possagno, Riese Pio X and San Zenone degli Ezzelini.

The aim of this interesting project, active since 2011, is to promote live arts among residents and visitors, involving professional artists from the area Trivenetoof national importance and emerging, with a predilection for performing authors.

Events not to be missed

Among the events on the calendar are two world premieres by Luca Scarlini, created specifically for Centorizzonti 2024. Among the artists involved, the narrator-journalist Domenico Iannacone who will bring his show “What am I doing here, on stage?”, transforming the stage into a space for reflection and denunciation, and Giuseppina Casarin, director of the “Voci dal mondo” Choir of Fonte, recently awarded Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by President Mattarellawho will lead a free singing workshop to introduce citizens to singing. Always with the aim of actively involving citizens by making them “actors”, Lorenzo Marangoni, actor and author, world champion of Poetry Slam, will also lead a workshop before the performance to introduce the participants to his art.

To complete the rich program, theatrical walks in new places with Dedalofurioso, African percussion workshops with Moustapha Fall, the pillow fight in the square with the Compagnia Il Melarancio, performance workshops with Monica Francia and Laura Boato Indaco, the Cantagiro with Cikale Comic Vocal Trio, the show in the times of Instagram with Valentina Brusaferro and Martina Pittarello, multi-ethnic choirs of La Carovana della Musica, the dance of Collettivo Os, the theatrical journey on the Duse of Kaos Teatro.

Centorizzonti includes live shows in direct “dramaturgical” relationship with the territory. The various experiences proposed, in fact, involve the mobility of spectators and visitors, with the important objective of making known the lands and places, known and less known, of Asolo and Castelfranco Veneto, through the action of the artists and the participation of citizens .

The 2024 edition will favor the experience multidisciplinaryand artistic languages ​​in contexts and unconventional and unusual placespreferably exploiting natural light, with low technical impact and low energy consumption, paying particular attention to the characteristics of sites, buildings and landscape areas.

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